Fair Housing Courtesy Notice Follow
Triangle MLS has implemented a Courtesy Notice related to Fair Housing. This Courtesy Notice is based on the list of keywords below which will be highlighted in the body of the notice. Please note that this is not a Triangle MLS violation and is intended as a reminder that certain words and phrases may potentially conflict with Fair Housing regulations.
- Adult building/community/living
- Asian Restaurants
- Bachelor
- Best Location
- Child/children
- Chinese Restaurants
- Deaf
- Empty Nester
- Equal Housing
- Family Home
- Hispanic
- Jew(s)/Jewish
- Latino
- Migrant
- Newlywed(s)
- Older
- Only Couples
- Single(s)
- Seasonal worker
- Black(s)
- White(s)
- Best School(s)
- Oriental
- His and her closets
- Teen suite
Download a PDF of this article HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact our Data Integrity department at (919) 654-5419 option 2 or DI@DoorifyMLS.com.