Top Reported Support Issues: Week of March 25th, 2024 Follow
- Where can I view, download, and/or print my paid Triangle MLS Quarterly billing receipts?
With tax season deadline coming around the corner, many calls have come in asking, “Where can I get my receipts?” The answer…your TMLS subscriber portal!
Please note that your paid history will only show from late August 2023 going forward. This is because of the membership database system change TMLS did last year in August. Receipts for first and second quarters (possibly third quarter) may not show in your paid receipts through your TMLS subscribers portal. If you are needing assistance retrieving those receipts, please contact customer support.
To view instructions with screenshots on how to view/download/print your receipts, please click here.
- How do I update my TMLS account if I have changed offices?
Transferring offices can be cumbersome, but with our automated membership system, you can make the switch in a matter of minutes.
You will start at the North Carolina Real Estate Commission (NCREC) and ensure that you affiliate your Brokers license with the firm and Broker-In-Charge (BIC).
Once you have done that, please retain a copy of your Brokers Affiliation form (BA) and submit it to TMLS via email at
This is done because the NCREC website does not update a licensee’s information in real time; it takes a bit. So not to have our subscribers wait until NCREC updates their website, we ask for the BA form to expedite your change in office.
Staff will then respond informing you that your updated license information has been entered into our systems and that you may proceed to change offices via your TMLS subscribers portal.
Before you start, it is VITAL that you inform and update your primary association of REALTORS® of your office change so that your REALTOR® membership record matches what will be changed at TMLS. Once you’ve done that, then begin to log into your TMLS subscribers portal to start your change of office.
To view instructions with screenshots on how to transfer offices, please click here.
- How do I try out the different MLS platforms?
TMLS offers its subscribers the choice of selecting which MLS platform/system they wish to work with outside of listing entry and maintenance; this is called 'Front End of Choice' or 'MLS Choice'. Many subscribers call in asking how they trial the MLS platform options.
All system options, plus other programs we offer to subscribers, can be found on the TMLS dashboard. Many users have bookmarked the link to access Paragon directly and when they login, they do not see the TMLS Dashboard. If this happens to be you, please update your bookmark to the following: (note that there is no www. in front and that there IS a period between my and trianglemls).
Once you access the page, login with your TMLS credentials and the next screen you will see is the TMLS Dashboard (see image below). All of the MLS platform Trials can be found there so simply select a trial and then click on the main tile of that system to begin. There is NO CHARGE to trial an MLS platform at this time so please try them all and see what best suits your needs before the trial ends on May 1st, 2024.
- As a broker-in-charge (BIC), how do I access my firm's rentals?
To access your firm’s rental listings, please visit Rental Beast and follow the prompts below:
Go to Dashboard -> My Listings -> Drop Down Box: All Listings -> Select the listing you are trying to access. Access the listing and edit as needed.