Choosing Your MLS Front End FAQ Follow
1. What is MLS Front End of Choice?
Front End of Choice, or MLS Choice, empowers agents to choose the MLS system that works best for them. Through June 4th, you may try out all three offerings—Matrix, Flexmls, and Paragon—for searches and collaboration with your clients and decide which platform you prefer. This Choice allows you to make the best decision for you and your clients. More information on Choice can be found here.
2. When does the MLS trial end?
The MLS trial period ends on June 4th. You have until June 4th to try out all three systems on your TMLS Dashboard: Flexmls, Matrix, and Paragon.
3. What happens when the MLS trial ends?
If you haven't elected a primary MLS, you will lose access to all MLS front ends on June 4th. You will not be automatically opted in to any of the systems at any point. You must manually pick a primary MLS to avoid a disruption of services.
4. How do I designate my primary MLS?
Instructions on how to select your primary MLS can be found here.
5. What if I want to have access to more than 1 front end?
You may access 1 MLS system at no charge. You can pick a second and/or third MLS system for an additional fee. You will be billed $75/quarter for each additional MLS front end that you select. For example, if you want to keep access to all three, you will be billed $150/quarter for having two additional systems (in addition to your quarterly MLS fees).
6. What happens if I want to end or change my 2nd or 3rd MLS choice during a billing cycle?
If you choose additional front ends in the 2nd or 3rd month of the quarter, billing will be prorated. The prorated amount is $25 per system for each remaining month in the quarter. If you would like to terminate your 2nd or 3rd MLS system during a billing cycle, you will not be refunded.
7. Does MLS Choice apply to Licensed Home Inspectors (LHIs)?
No, Front End of Choice does not apply to home inspectors. Home inspectors may disregard this and do not need to select a primary front end.