Policy for Changing the Broker-in-Charge of a DMLS Firm Follow
Updating a firm’s Broker-in-Charge (BIC) is done completely through the incoming BIC’s portal. Prior to the change taking place, the following must happen:
- The REALTOR® taking over as Broker-in-Charge must be qualified as a BIC by experience and coursework, per N.C. General Statutes 93A-4.2. For information, contact N.C. Real Estate Commission at http://www.ncrec.gov or (919) 875-3700.
- The change in Broker-in-Charge of the firm must have already been registered with N.C. Real Estate Commission. NOTE: Making this change with the commission does NOT automatically make the change with Doorify MLS.
In their DMLS user portal, the incoming Broker-in-Charge will:
- Ensure their affiliation is first updated with their primary Realtor Association before proceeding with the steps below.
- Complete a DR transfer by going to Subscriptions and Subscription Actions. They will enter the name of the office they are taking over.
- If the new Broker-In-Charge is a current Subscriber and taking over an existing office, there is a one-time $500 initiation fee.
- If the new Broker-In-Charge is a new Subscriber and is establishing a new office, there is a one-time $1500 initiation fee.
- This DR transfer will move the new Broker-In-Charge to control of the office.