Policy for Transferring from One Office to Another Follow
Transfer: For a Subscriber to transfer from one company to another, an updated Broker Affiliation form must first be completed, submitted to the N.C. Real Estate Commission, and a copy emailed to Doorify MLS at Support@DoorifyMLS.com . This allows us to put a license override on the Subscriber’s account to facilitate the transfer.
Once the override is in place, the Subscriber will go into their user portal and do the following:
Video Tutorial below:
- Go to Subscriptions and Subscription Actions.
- Choose Change Office and a new tab will open with the Change Brokerage form.
- Follow the prompts to complete the transfer.
- There is no additional charge for Subscriber transfers.
Inventory: Listing Contracts belong to the Broker-In-Charge and may be transferred from office to office within the same company with written permission from the original Broker-In-Change. For agents transferring to a new company, the original listing office can either retain or cancel the contract. Once the property has been canceled it can be listed by the new Broker-In-Charge and the transferred agent.