How to Select A Primary Front-End Follow
1. In order to select a primary Front-End, you'll need to visit your Doorify MLS Portal. To access your Doorify MLS Portal, you can click either View Account on the left-hand side of the page or by clicking your name on the top menu and then clicking My Account.
2. Once you enter your DMLS Portal, you'll need to click on Subscriptions from the left-hand menu
3. Next, you'll need to locate the Primary MLS Front End of Choice option and then click the blue Details button in the bottom right-hand corner.
4. On the new modal window, you'll need to click the blue Change Subscription button at the bottom right-hand corner.
5. On the next modal window, you'll need to choose your Primary Front End of Choice selection from the dropdown menu.
6. After choosing your preferred Front End, you'll need to click on the blue Apply Change button at the bottom right-hand corner.
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