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Is the MLS online? Is Paragon working? Is Flex MLS down? Is Matrix MLS working?
Looking for systems status information? Visit
We know how frustrating it can be to not know if the problem you are experiencing is due to a larger system level issue.
At DoorifyMLS we are committed to both high level system availability 24x7, as well as visibility into systems outages. We track all of our systems and their uptime/availability, as well as their basic functionality, around the clock. We use various tools to do this, but the results of our work are all available from the same Status Page - which you can subscribe to for updates!
Visit to check our systems status. If you wish, click 'Get Updates' to select how you would like to be notified in the event of a systems issue. | |
Our chatbot is also connected to this information - and will conveniently check your MLS front end of choice for its availability as a part of its basic greeting: |
We look forward to bringing you even greater visibility into systems and data availability metrics in our efforts to provide you with an exceptional MLS service experience.