Listing Manager: How to Add Listing Documents Follow
To add a new document to the listing, click the Add Document button.
Click Choose File and navigate to the document that you want to upload.
You can upload .pdf files or, as allowed by your MLS, document image files (.png, .bmp, .gif, or .tif). Files should be approximately 750 x 1000 pixels and a minimum of 300 dpi. The maximum file size for a listing document is 10MB.
Type a description for the document or use the drop-down list to select a document description provided by the MLS. If you type in a document description, you will need to set the document security level.
Public - This document has no restrictions and can be viewed by anyone. It may be available to the public via syndication website, in public or private emails, and will be visible to members of any MLS that shares data with Doorify MLS. In Flexmls, Public Documents can be emailed to clients. In Paragon, public documents can be shared via email through the collablink. In Matrix, Public documents must be downloaded and manually emailed.
Private - This document is restricted to members of Doorify MLS only. It will not be displayed on public websites, in public emails, or through MLS data sharing. In Flexmls, Private Documents can be emailed to clients. For both Paragon and Matrix documents must be downloaded and manually emailed.
Has edit - This document can be viewed only by members who have edit permissions for the listing, including the listing member, the listing BIC, and the MLS staff in the Listing Manager. It will not appear on public websites or be visible to other MLS members.
Click Add to finish adding the document to the listing.